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Synsepalum brevipes (Baker) T. D. Penn.
Family: SapotaceaeGenus: SynsepalumSpecies: Synsepalum brevipes
Protologue: Gen. Sapotac. 248 1991.
Tree to 35m tall; slash pink. Stipules persistent. Leaves alternate, simple, obovata-oblancelate; apex rounded sometimes obtuse-blunt, with elongate sub-triangular acumen (length 2-3x base width); base decurrent. Secondary venation widely spaced (>10mm) parallel, barely visible, curved but not forming submarginal loops; tertiary venation reticulate, obscured below. Abaxial surfaces glabrous, pubescent when young. Inflorescences in fascicles. Calyx to 4mm long. Corolla tube to 2mm long, lobes 4.5mm long. Stamens to 6mm long. Ovary 5-locular. Fruit ellipsoid, edible.